I have undergone Ozone Therapy at Dr. Bajpai Clinic for my knees after undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery on my right knee in 2...
WELCOME TOThe Portal to Advance Interventional Spine and Pain procedures, Modern Orthopaedic Surgery, Latest Oxygen Ozone Healing Therapies, Ozone Therapy Workshop in Delhi, India, Pitampura and Hi Tech Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation.
This centre is dedicated to treatments related to problems of spine, bone and joints. We use both, conventional & most modern techniques to give best possible results in our patients.
With an overwhelming response from previous workshops, Spine & Ortho Pain Centre comes up with the next workshop on Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, Prolozone, Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy.Save the dates : To be announced
Are you suffering from Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint - Avoid / Delay Joint Replacement - Go for PRP & Prolozone Therapy
Do you suffer from Slip Disc and Backache problem - Avoid Spine surgery - Go for Ozone Discectomy/ Nuecleolysis
Oxygen Ozone Healing Therapy - A novel way to get rid of chronic pains, chronic infections and Allergies
Avoid Developing Diabetic foo t and its complications with Oxygen Ozone Healing Thearapy

Orthopedic Conditions
Surgery For Fractures, Ligaments & Tendon Injuries. Sports Injuries Spine Surgery Surgery For...

Pain Management By No
Slip Disc Sciatica Backache Cervical & Lumbar Spondylosis Failed Back Surgery Syndrome ...

Most Modern, Hi Tech, U.s Fda Approved Electronic Equipments Are Used For All Orthopedic, ...

Prolozone Therapy
Prolozone Therapy Is A Regenerative Interventional Pain Management Technique ...

Ozone Nucleolysis
Injection Of Ozone In To The Disc For Patients Suffering From Slip Disc With Or Without ...

Oxygen Ozone Healing
The Oxygen You Breathe Is Present In The Air As A Pair Of Oxygen Atoms (o2) & Is The Most ...

Regenerative Therapies
Prolozone Therapy Prp Therapy Stem Cell Therapy...

Prolozone For Injured
There Is No Need To Suffer Any Longer.we Can Help.soft Tissue Injury Or Overall Joint Weakness ...
- The World Health Organizations Declaration of Helsinki 1964, states: "In the treatment of the sick person, the doctors must be free to use a new diagnostic or therapeutic measure, if in his or her judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering."
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.
Whenever a tissue injury occurs it causes release of local pain producing substances into the extracellular fluid surrounding the injury. They are K+, H+, prostaglandins, histamine, leucotriens, bradykinines, substance P, slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), etc. Substance-P may cause the local edema or swelling.
When the blood receives sufficient oxygen to unite with the carbon, carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed, which is readily eliminated. The process of oxidation is complete & body temperature maintained at normal, the organs perform their functions properly & the system is in a condition to resist the toxic influences of microbes, environment and mankind excesses.
When, however, an insufficient amount of oxygen is received by the blood, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed, which is a DE-oxidizer, hemoglobin destroyer & NOT readily eliminated & through its poisonous influences, It acts as an irritant to the organs, body temperature is reduced below normal and the system is rendered incapable of resisting the toxic influences of various bacteria, viruses and environmental toxins, and DISEASE is the result.
Most people suffer from backache during their lifetime.
Facet joint arthropathy
Sacroiliac joint pains
Disc pain originating from intervertebral disc (slip disc and internal disc disorders)
There is probably no one in this world who has not suffered from some type of headache in his lifetime. Most types of headaches are fortunately harmless in nature and only a few types of headaches are serious in nature. A headache may be serious if one notices:
Sudden onset of severe headache
The headache is becoming worst quickly.
A new type of headache appearing for the first time especially at old age.
Headache associated with symptoms like projectile vomitting, visual disturbances, weakness of one or both sides of the body/face, fever etc.
Headache which increases with forward bending.
There are several causes of knee joint pain, however, Osteoarthritis of knee joint is one of the commonest problem affecting late middle and old age people. It is one of the most commonest cause of knee pain in India. 80% of general population above the age of 65 years have radiological evidence of osteoarthritis. The disease process may start at around 25-30 years of age and starts manifesting itself at around 40 years of age.
Pain around the knee joint that increases with weight bearing and movement, and improves with rest is the commonest presenting symptom. It may be associated with morning stiffness and swelling of the joints.
Read MoreSlip Disc
The intervertebral disc is a shock absorbing cushion like pad between the two adjoining vertebral bodies of the back bone. These discs are made up of an outer firm covering and an inner core of jelly like material. When this jelly like material leaks out, it produces pressure on the spinal cord or the nerve roots causing pain in the lower back which radiates down to the legs or neck pain that radiates down the upper limbs. This is called prolapse disc, disc herniation or simply slip disc.
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BP-1, Maurya Enclave, Opp. Muni Maya Ram Hospital, Pitampura, Delhi-110034
8920709459, 01141815050, 9810122393
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